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Ruban Ivan

Ruban Ivan Valentinovich



Birthday: 1984-10-25 (39 years)
City: Ukraine, Kharkiv


Wins1 (33.33%)
Wins1 (0%)
Matches won9 (64.29%)

    Open championship of the Kharkov region on a dynamic pyramid. Selection for the Championship of Ukraine. (2018-04-01 - 2018-04-03)

    Shughalej Boghdan 5 (5) 1 Ruban Ivan h2h
    Tkach Valerij 4 (5) 5 Ruban Ivan h2h
    Ruban Ivan 5 (5) 3 Shendrik Konstantin h2h

    Open championship of the Kharkov region on a dynamic pyramid. Selection for the Championship of Ukraine. (2018-03-31 - 2018-05-02)

    Ruban Ivan 3 (3) 2 Tkachenko Anton h2h
    Ruban Ivan 3 (3) 2 Abalmasov Dmitriy h2h
    Ruban Ivan 3 (3) 1 Molchanov Vladislav h2h
    Ruban Ivan 3 (3) 0 Shapoval Michael h2h
    Ruban Ivan 0 (4) 0 W/O
    Ruban Ivan 4 (4) 3 Kotenko Alexander h2h

    Open championship of the Kharkov region on a dynamic pyramid. Selection for the Championship of Ukraine. (2018-03-30 - 2018-04-03)

    Degterev Alexander 3 (3) 1 Ruban Ivan h2h
    Krupka Kirill 0 (3) 3 Ruban Ivan h2h
    Ruban Ivan 2 (3) 3 Mostovyi Artur h2h
    Ruban Ivan 3 (3) 1 Kirpik Evgeny h2h
    Myagkov Denis 3 (3) 2 Ruban Ivan h2h